Goldview is dedicated to keeping the environment healthy for future generations. That is why we take a hands-on, proactive approach to managing green by reducing the amount of energy used by the properties we manage.

The Goldview Standard in Green Management

We guide our clients on how they can advance and adopt energy and environmental savings initiatives and support them throughout the entire energy audit process, including:

  • Identifying energy efficiency opportunities
  • Producing a detailed study of options
  • Analyzing the cost and payback periods
  • Supervising projects
  • Confirming successful implementation
  • Verifying the client's total savings

Servicing Electric Vehicles

EVs have become increasingly popular among Ontarians; charging stations are being installed in residential, commercial, and industrial locations across the province.

Charging an electric vehicle at night means using off-peak electricity generated by cleaner sources like wind, hydro, and nuclear power. It also results in far fewer greenhouse gas emissions and less air pollution than a car would generate by burning gasoline or diesel.

Call today to inquire about our buildings with EV charging stations.

Control Procurement. Manage Use. Reduce Consumption. Lower Costs.

We endorse the use of environmentally friendly cleaning agents in all our properties. Maintenance workers, owners, and residents unanimously agree about the utilization of such products. They confirm the effectiveness of these products in ensuring buildings are clean and that they add to the social commitment of the tenants.

The following is a list of where green products are commonly used in our buildings:

  • Odour control additives
  • Drain and/or grease trap additives
  • Biologically-based cleaning and degreasing compounds
  • Hard surface cleaners
  • Paint and varnish remover
  • Hand soap
  • Carpet and upholstery care
  • Hard floor care

Recycling is like any skill; Use it or lose it. That is why training is an important part of our program.

Goldview Property Management has numerous recyling programs. Training is provided to all maintenance staff and clear signage outlining recycling procedures is posted, in order to ensure garbage and recycling is properly sorted.

Join Us On April 22nd for Earth Day

We encourage our sites to participate in Earth Day and we are proud to say most do.

From vehicle charging stations to water management and changing showerheads there are so many ways to mark this day.

Call us today to make a plan for your building this year!

Government Programs

There are many government programs to help make a commitment to green management an easy decision.

Energy retrofit programs

Toronto Heating and Cooling Initiative

Ontario's Home Energy Conservation Initiative Program

Energy Efficient Products

Conservation Tips

Lighting and Electrical

  • Consider low wattage light bulbs and flourescent lighting.
  • Consider the use of timers for a more efficient lighting source.
  • Make sure that you turn off all lights as you exit rooms.
  • Use enegy saving features on computers, monitors, and other entertainment devices.
  • Use task lighting where applicable - instead of lighting the entire room, focus on the light where it is needed (i.e. lamps).
  • Consider using 3-way lamps.
  • Use energy efficient compact flourescent bulbs.
  • Place floor lamps or table lamps in a corner, as light will reflect from the two walls.
  • Ensure light builbs and fixtures are clean, as dust or dirt can reduce the light that is being emitted by more than 10%.
  • Install a light dimmer - an incandescent light dimmed by 25% can save 10% on energy use and extend the life of the bulb.
  • Install motion-detecting devices in closets, hallways, and bathrooms.
  • If you replace 25% of the lights in high-use areas with flourescent lights, you can save about 50% of your lighting costs.
  • Reduce lighting where possible.

Clothes Dryers

  • Clean the lint filter of the dryer after every use, as clogged lint filters increase drying time.
  • Do not over-dry clothes.
  • Use full loads of clothes in dryers.
  • Dry towels and heavier cottons in seperate load from lighter items.
  • Use the cooldown cycle to allow clothes to finish drying with the heat that is left in the dryer.


  • Check the refridgerator door gasket to ensure a good seal.
  • Ensure refridgerator door is sealed tightly after each use.
  • Do not obstruct vents inside the refridgerator compartments.
  • Let hot leftovers cool down before putting them in the refridgerator.
  • Do not overload refridgerators or freezers with food.
  • Cover liquids and wrap foods. Uncovered foods create excessive moisture and make the compressor work harder.
  • Defrost freezers on a regular basis.
  • Move the fridgerator out from the wall, and vaccuum once a year to maximize performance.


  • Defrost food naturally rather than using the microwave.
  • Never use a two-prong adapter or an extension cord to plug in a microwave oven.
  • Allow space around the microwave for proper ventilation.
  • Boil large quantities of water on your stove or in an electric kettle.


  • Do not overload.
  • Do not run machine for half full loads.
  • Use shorter cycles when you have easy to clean dishes.
  • If your dishwasher has an air-dry setting, choose this instead of the hard-dry setting.
  • Check the manual or the manufacturer recommendations on the water temperature.
  • Scrape, but do not rinse large food particles from dirty dishes. Soaking or pre-washing dishes is only recommended for heavily soiled utensils.
  • Do not use the "rinse hold" function for a few soiled dishes, as it wastes 12-28 litres of hot water each time you use it.

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